
Parma Chiropractic & Naturopathy

Call or Text: 208-722-9999

Est. 1997   Specializing in Pain Relief

 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..."

Frequently Asked Questions

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Does Dr. Rudkin treat kids?

Yes.  Dr. Rudkin believes in health and alignment for all ages.  Because of their active lifestyle, sometimes kids need it most!

Can I be adjusted if I'm pregnant?

Yes. All necessary arrangements will be made to accomodate your pregnancy. During pregnancy, you are very limited as to what you can take for pain.  Chiropractic has helped millions of pregnant women throughout their pregnancy.  

How long do the appointments take?

A typical appointment for a new patient lasts approximately thirty minutes.  This can vary, depending on the severity and complexity of the problem.  

How long does it take to get to Parma from...

New Plymouth: 20 minutes

Boise: 45 minutes                                                                                               

Nampa/Caldwell: 15-20 minutes                                                

Fruitland/Ontario: 15 minutes                                               

Homedale: 15 minutes                                              

Middleton: 20 minutes                                              

Payette: 20 minutes          


Does the doctor require x-rays?

The decision to take x-rays is made on a case by case basis.  

Can I bring my kids to the appointment with me?

Our cheery waiting room has a fun basket piled with magnets and toys to keep your kids busy and happy during your appointments. With an accommodating staff and a bathroom nearby, your kids are sure to enjoy the visit as much as you do! (Did we mention the indoor pool?) :) They are also welcome to come with you into the treatment room if they like.

Is the treatment going to hurt?

Occasionally there is some discomfort associated with chiropractic treatment, but this is typically mild and would be the exception, not the norm.  Most patients feel better right away. 

Should I come in if I've been in a car wreck?

Absolutely.  Collisions, even small ones, can cause skeletal misalignment as well as damage to joints and soft tissues.  Getting a thorough chiropractic orthopedic examination after you've been in a "fender-bender" just makes sense.  

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What adjusting method does Dr. Rudkin use?

Dr. Rudkin uses a combination of manual  and instrument assisted adjustments to suit your preference.

Will I have to keep coming back?  

Most problems that present to us require a handful of visits.  There are no hard sales, gimmicks, or contracts at our clinic.  

Do you accept credit cards?

We accept, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and health savings cards.
